Top ASO Mistakes You’re Making and How to Avoid Them

Top ASO Mistakes You’re Making and How to Avoid Them

22/10/2024 Written by CommerceCentric

App Store Optimisation (ASO) plays a pivotal role in ensuring that your mobile app reaches its full potential in terms of visibility and downloads. However, even the most seasoned app developers often make common mistakes that limit the effectiveness of their ASO strategy. In this guide, we’ll highlight the top ASO mistakes and how to avoid them, helping you fine-tune your approach and maximise your app’s presence.

1. Ignoring the Power of Keyword Research

One of the foundational aspects of ASO is keyword optimization. Keywords help your app rank in search results, but many developers either overestimate or underestimate their importance. Some focus too narrowly on high-competition keywords or, conversely, ignore them altogether. Not using the right mix of high-traffic and niche keywords can limit your app’s exposure.

How to Avoid This Mistake: Use keyword research tools to analyse what your target audience is searching for. Focus on a mix of relevant high-traffic keywords and more specific long-tail keywords. Additionally, update your keywords regularly based on trends and user behaviour to stay relevant in search results.

Failing to Localise Your ASO Strategy

2. Failing to Localise Your ASO Strategy

Many developers underestimate the importance of localisation. While your app might be performing well in one region, failing to localise it for different markets can severely limit its global success. Keywords, descriptions, and even visuals should be adapted to match the cultural nuances and language preferences of each target market.

How to Avoid This Mistake: Tailor your ASO strategy for different regions. Translate your app’s title, description, and keywords to fit each locale. Remember that localisation goes beyond just language—it’s about adapting your messaging and visuals to suit regional preferences.

3. Poorly Written App Descriptions

Your app description is a critical piece of real estate for user engagement and ASO. A poorly written or overly technical description that doesn't address the app's benefits to users can lead to fewer downloads and bad reviews. Some developers either stuff the description with keywords or provide vague and unengaging content that doesn’t resonate with potential users.

How to Avoid This Mistake: Craft a clear and engaging description that communicates your app’s value. Ensure the first few lines are compelling, as they are visible in the preview before users click “read more.” Highlight unique selling points and use keywords naturally rather than forcing them into the text.

4. Overlooking App Icon and Screenshots

Your app’s icon and screenshots are often the first things potential users notice when browsing the app store. An unprofessional or unattractive icon can deter users from even clicking on your app, no matter how well-optimised it is for search. Similarly, bland or irrelevant screenshots that fail to showcase the app’s best features can hurt download rates.

How to Avoid This Mistake: Invest time and resources into designing a visually appealing and representative app icon. Your screenshots should highlight your app’s most exciting features and offer a glimpse into the user experience. Use captions or annotations in your screenshots to explain unique elements or app mechanics.

5. Not Prioritising User Reviews and Ratings

User reviews and ratings significantly impact your app’s ASO performance. Many developers neglect this area, assuming that downloads will speak for themselves. However, low ratings and poor reviews can drag down your ranking, regardless of your keyword optimisation and other ASO efforts.

How to Avoid This Mistake: Actively engage with your users by asking for reviews at appropriate times, such as after completing a task or reaching a milestone within the app. Address negative reviews promptly and look for patterns in the feedback to continuously improve your app. Positive user experiences will lead to better ratings and higher app store rankings.

Underestimating the Role of App Updates

6. Underestimating the Role of App Updates

App store algorithms take into account how often an app is updated. Regular updates not only show that the app is still supported, but they also provide opportunities to fix bugs, add new features, and enhance the overall user experience. Some developers release an app and then let it stagnate without regular improvements.

How to Avoid This Mistake: Schedule regular updates and communicate these updates in the app store's "What’s New" section. Make sure to highlight any major improvements, such as new features, better user experience features, or bug fixes. This will not only keep your app relevant but also boost your ASO performance.

7. Neglecting Metadata Optimisation

Metadata—such as the title, subtitle, and promotional text—plays a crucial role in ASO. Some developers use non-descriptive titles or fail to include important keywords in their app’s metadata. This can significantly decrease your app’s chances of being found by potential users.

How to Avoid This Mistake: Ensure your app’s title is clear and contains your most important keyword. Your subtitle should highlight a key feature or benefit, while the promotional text should briefly explain what sets your app apart. Regularly update your metadata to reflect any new features or changes in your app.

8. Ignoring User Retention and Engagement Metrics

ASO isn’t just about getting users to download your app—it’s about keeping them engaged. Some developers focus solely on attracting new users and fail to pay attention to user retention, which can affect their app’s ranking in the app store.

How to Avoid This Mistake: Track user engagement metrics such as session length, churn rate, and retention rate. Optimise your app to encourage repeat usage, and consider adding push notifications or in-app events to keep players returning. The more engaged your users are, the better your app will perform in the rankings.

Not Testing Your ASO Strategy

9. Not Testing Your ASO Strategy

Many developers fail to test their ASO strategies to see what works best for their app. Without proper A/B testing, it’s impossible to know which changes are truly effective in improving your app’s performance in the store.

How to Avoid This Mistake: Continuously test different elements of your ASO strategy, including your app icon, screenshots, and descriptions. A/B testing allows you to see what resonates best with your audience and refine your approach accordingly. It’s an ongoing process that can provide valuable insights into what drives downloads and engagement.

10. Overlooking Competitor Analysis

Some developers focus solely on their app and forget to analyse the competition. Not keeping an eye on what your competitors are doing can result in missed opportunities and overlooked trends that could benefit your app’s ASO strategy.

How to Avoid This Mistake: Regularly analyse your competitors’ ASO strategies. Look at their keywords, descriptions, visuals, and user feedback. Identify what they’re doing well and what you can improve upon to stay ahead in the market.


Avoiding these common ASO mistakes will ensure your app gets the visibility it deserves in a competitive app store environment. By focusing on keyword research, optimising your app’s metadata, regularly updating the app, and engaging with users, you can improve both rankings and downloads. Keep testing and refining your approach to stay ahead in the ever-changing world of ASO.

At CommerceCentric, we specialise in helping app developers optimise their apps for success through expert marketing strategies, including ASO. Whether you need help with keyword research, creative assets, or user engagement strategies, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.